Dec 22, 2012

Is it possible to fully preserve the identities of the European Union member countries in our modern and global world?

The fact that life is more and more international is undeniable. It’s a good idea to be more global and share everything, but it also sets out the problem of the European Union member countries identities’ maintenance. I’m sure this is possible.

Firstly, it’s impossible to understand the coming days without the international organisms that take decisions worldwide. The only way for every territory to be stronger is to belong to a powerful union of countries like, in the case of Europe, the European Union.

Nevertheless, that means it’s gradually becoming more important the association where you believe and less important your country. However, everybody should trust the motto of the European Union, which says “united in diversity”, because in spite of global trade, communication and entertainment, the customs of every country remain the same, and that’s irreplaceable. For example, Spain increasingly needs more help from Europe, but the Spanish paella and omelette don’t change and won’t change. That’s because this customs are the same regardless the international associations.

To sum up, becoming to the European Union benefits its members and doesn’t threaten local traditions because they are deeply rooted in the past. We only have to consider the idea of changing the countries’ borders because of the cultures’ maintenance. 

Sep 23, 2012

The education system is changing constantly. Are we on the right track?

            At the moment, the education system is undergoing a shift to a new dimension. Modern technology and contemporary ideas are refocusing how to learn at school. I am convinced that is positive to make a more modern education. However, in my opinion, not all changes being implemented by the government have a good effect on education.

            Firstly, I believe it is important to give to the students the tools they need to welcome modern technologies, so it is a good point to teach more and more with computers. It is clear to me that computers are approaching us to the future and papers and pencils are obsoletes tools of the past. Nevertheless, I think this transition has to be gradual and the students have to be slowly prepared to accept this conversion.

            Secondly, I am sure that the education is excessively prioritizing the knowledge above the practical. Official studies have shown that countries that are committed to practical education are better prepared that those who only believe on knowledge. For example, the exams in Spain are focalized on theoretical but the Spanish grades are low.

            Thirdly, if the education was more individualized, the students could have more chances of reaching their goals. It’s not logical to teach everyone in the same way. Either student is different. I know that means to spend more money on education, but this is the base of the culture.

            In conclusion, the education system is being modernized, but it has weaknesses. As I see it, it’s good to implement computers in classrooms, but this process has to be gradual. The taught aspects would have to be more practical and the way we learn more individualized.